Boss Life Wife Life

Relationships take work..


The last month has been a stressful one in my marriage. It was nothing “serious” but I knew it was happening and things needed to be discussed.  My husband and I work together, raise two wonderful kids and also have our relationship to deal with it. I want to share this with you because social media as good as it is also has it flaws.  It makes us believe marriages are perfect and everyone has a fairy tale life.

With a busy work schedule and kids going back to school, it was an adjustment and we put our relationship in the back burner, which is never a good idea. We let little disagreements get to us and the resentment was building up but it was never discussed because we were in a mindset of “go, go, go”. I talk about this in my podcast but I was getting into a mindset of “why me, poor me” and blaming him for how I was feeling, and not taking full ownership about my feelings and my attitude. I wasn’t looking at the full picture.

I’m usually pretty good in getting myself out of it but after a few weeks, I didn’t like how I was feeling and how he was feeling. I needed to address the issue. It wasn’t a pretty discussion but it needed to happen and then BOOM. You feel like you can breathe again.

We both agreed to make a choice every morning to be HAPPY with each other. To go back to having date night and trying to have breakfast together at least twice a week. This helps us stay connected.

As a business owner, I realize the importance of staying connected with our customers and employees. On building better relationships so my clients and customers are happy.

Why aren’t we doing that with our marriage? We should treat every relationship in our lives with the same respect and effort. Marriage is work, every day. It’s waking up every morning and making the decision to love the other person regardless of their flaws, making the conscious decision to CHOOSE happiness.

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